Poor communication such as:
Speech and language peculiarities: Yes
Overformal speech: N/A
Taking everything literally: not all of the time
Word repetition (echolalia): at times it may be a song/line from a movie/show
Long monologues: N/A
Inappropriate remarks: what 8 y/o doesn't
Inability to take turns talking: sometimes
Inability to listen to others: sometimes
Speaking without any pitch or tone: N/A
Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm: somtimes
Difficulty initiating conversation: N/A
Flat, cheerless demeanor: N/A
Loud voice: only when he is REALLY excited
Doesn’t respond to name very well: N/A
Non-verbal communication problems such as:
Inability to pick up facial expressions: N/A
Not able to notice body language: this one may be a little difficult
Does not pick up subtle changes in someone tone of voice: N/A
Avoid eye contact while communicating: rarely; this has significantly improved.
Unaware of personal space ( invading it!): most of the times
Few facial expressions: N/A
Unaware of unwritten rules: sometimes
Impaired social interaction such as:
Social withdrawal: rarely
Lack of interest in other people: N/A
Eccentric personality: what 8 y/o doesn't seem eccentric
Preoccupied with their own agenda: sometimes. It interferes with transitions
Socially non-adapted personality: I'm not sure about that
Urge to correct people in their speech or behavior: Witness this first hand in the classroom and home
Limited interests: N/A
Unusual preoccupations: N/A
Need for sameness: N/A
Repetitive routines or rituals: N/A
Engages in highly repetitive play: Yes and combines with his stimming
Excellent rote memory: only with things that he is interested in.
Lack of empathy: N/A
Single-mindedness: N/A
Aloof: N/A
Inflexible thinking: Only in transitions
Lack of imagination: Far from it
Indifferent: N/A
Rigid thinking: sometimes
Lack of make-believe or imitative play: Far from it
Fear of changes: age appropriate
Poor motor skills such as:
Poor coordination: YES
Clumsiness: YES
Uncoordinated motor movements: YES
Hand flapping: N/A
Head swiveling: N/A
Mirroring: Yes. From shows/movies/book on tape
Stilted Doesn’t have a strong response to pain: N/A
Extreme dislike of certain noises, textures or situations: Only when he is frustrated with the situation
Easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds or lights: Only when he is frustrated with the situation
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