Wishing we were on Boriquen with all of our family

Monday, February 7, 2011

So you thought I fell off...

We are still here, living, learning, moving. I've taken pictures but somehow misplaced the camera. No really, I had it one moment and now I can't seem to find it. So guess who gets to go shopping?!?
Another thing to write about joyfully: we have completely surrendered to homeschooling the waldorf way. In September, we were trying to work with a private school part time but it just wasn't speaking/moving us. It wasn't miserable. I love the philosophy, the concept, the people, but when we just looked at the experience as a whole and compared it to our waldorf experience; Our days were happier and more relaxed. The most interesting thing was my ds was begging for my stories. So if he is asking for more, why not follow his lead?

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